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飯田貴子 画家

イタリア、ミラノにて 主に油彩での制作を行っている。

 「慌ただしい生活の中 、過去に埋もれていってしまう小さな喜び、悲しみ、痛み、儚い美しさ 、一瞬の輝き、言葉が届かない感情。心の中に蓄積した記憶の断片 を集め、 自分の持つ印象と作品の溝を埋めようともがきながら 、キャンバスの上に再現 しよう試みています。 そんな風に生まれた作品が、飾られる空間を豊かにし、見る人の心と共鳴し、少しでも喜んでもらえたなら、作り手として幸せです。」







Takako Iida

pittrice dell’astratto, lavora principalmente con la tecnica della pittura a olio. Vive a Milano. Collabora con il designer Katsuya Takeda.

“Piccole sensazioni di gioia, tristezza, dolore, commozioni di istanti e stupore nella delicata fragilità sono difficili da esprimere con le parole e facili da dimenticare nella vita frenetica. Tento di riunire e ricreare tali ricordi spezzati sulla tela cercando di ritrasmettere le mie emozioni. Sarei felice se con un mio lavoro creativo riuscissi ad arricchire l’ambiente circostante e se potessi risuonare nel cuore delle persone che vedono un mio quadro evocando nelle stesse sentimenti perduti.”



Nata a Gumma in Giappone.
Nel 1997 si trasferisce a Firenze e nel 2003 si diploma in pittura all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze.
Nel 2004 si trasferice a Milano.

Nel 2012 ha tenuto la prima mostra personale alla Gallery Bian a Tokyo.


2003 Premiata al Premio Firenze in Giappone
2004 Selezionata a Sonpo Japan Art Award Exhibition

Takako Iida Painter

Lives and Works in Milan
Mainly painting with oils in Milan, Italy.
Many of works are in collaboration with a designer, Katsuya Takeda.

“The little feelings of joy, sorrow, pain, fleeting beauty and speechlessness that slip into our hectic lives... I'm trying to represent and collect fragmented and accumulated memories from my heart. It's a struggle to bridge the gap from my impressions into my work.
As a painter, it would thrill me if my works resonate with the viewer creating more rich and wealthy characteristics not only in their surroundings, but also in their hearts”



Takako Iida was born in Gumma, Japan.
She was very interested in the arts and in 1997 she decided to move to Florence, Italy.
She attended the Academy of Fine Arts there and graduated with a degree in Painting in 2003.
After she finished, she moved to Milan to pursue her passion.
She held the first personal exhibition at Gallery Bian in Tokyo in 2012.


2003 Florence Award in Japan
2004 Sonpo Japan Art Award Exhibition

© 2015 IIDA TAKAKO / design ueyama yukio